TLCtv or Totally Local Classifieds tv is looking for entrepreneurs to launch our DOOH network in their neighbourhood

TLCtv or Totally Local Classifieds tv and print is a business model that fits every neighbourhood around the globe, and this is why we are telling you about it now.
We are actively looking for good people who need a 1st, 2nd or 3rd income. TLCtv is a neighbourhood specific DOOH network that can be 100% operated with just a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
We cannot go into too much detail yet but we are not looking for experienced ad people, we want good people who care about the neighbourhood they live in. Ultimately, those who we choose to partner with need only a small investment but a big investment and comittment in making your own TLCtv business work. First you will set up the DOOH network, then you will be shown turnkey exactly what to do for no more than 3-5 hours per day, when you are organized. You will need to talk to local shops, offices and even homes to put up the smart tv screens. Once you have the required first 12 screens up and running local ads, then you will be sent the Totally Local Classifieds magazine based on the businesses in your neighbourhood.
After that, its all after-care sales service of your partners, whom we call screen partners. They are called partners because they share in revenues from their screen or screens.

Come January 2022, TLCtv will be availble on smart tv apps like Fire Stick, Apple tv, Roku, Virgin tv and more. Then, you will be able to apply for additonal zones, territories or neighbourhoods to grow your business portfolio.

Contact us at [email protected] and please, very serious inquiries only.

IMPORTANT: Please familiarize yourself with DOOH networks by reading the handy document below. Thanks and Good Luck to all Candidates.

Good Luckscreens

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The Complete Guide to DOOH Analytics
Advertising has changed drastically over the years. We're (thankfully) no longer restricted to print publications, radio ads or television. The internet has opened up a world of opportunities for advertisers to reach people and connect with them on a personal level.

That being said, online advertising comes with its own set of problems. Ad blindness is real, ads can be skipped or blocked and bots have a noticeable effect on analytics and ROI.

Advertisers need to be aware of these potential hurdles and find more effective channels in order to launch successful campaigns.

One such channel is digital out home (DOOH) advertising. But what is DOOH advertising and how can it help you grow your business?

What is Digital Out-Of-Home (DOOH) Advertising?
DOOH advertising is the use of digital screens such as digital billboards, elevator screens and TVs to deliver media and content to people.

In many ways, DOOH advertising goes back to the very roots of advertising, also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising.

It also offers unrivalled viewability. Unless something is physically blocking the screen, all ads will be 100% viewable.

Going Digital
According to a new WARC report, Global spending on digital out-of-home advertising (DOOH) is expected to grow 10.1% annually, accounting for the entirety of growth in the out of home (OOH) market.
small business
The main driver of this growth has been the addition of digital ad inventory to this once traditional form of advertising. Additionally, major cities around the world are expanding and upgrading their underground and transportation systems, adding thousands of new digital screens to a growing DOOH network.

Also, buying out-of-home ads has become much easier due to the market becoming increasingly programmatic. That means you can use software to buy and sells ads, making the process more accurate than traditional ad buying using data to optimize ad delivery.

Go Where The People Are
Numerous studies and DOOH advertising statistics show that the time spent out-of-home has increased dramatically over the last two decades. Purchase intent also skyrockets when people are shown ads in public.

According to a Nielsen study, OOH drives 4x more online engagement per dollar spent than TV, radio and print. This engagement can have a significant impact on brand image, value and affinity.

(Video) Content Is King/Queen
In the world of digital media and content consumption, video reigns supreme. In the majority of cases however, audio will not be heard. Your video content should get the message across with or without audio.

Also, it's well worth creating custom content for your DOOH campaigns. People in public respond differently to advertisements than they do at home. Your content needs to take into account the audience, context and viewing environment to maximize engagement.

Here's a great example of how to use digital advertising in the real world. The discount amount goes up and down as the temperature changes.

Image taken from The Huffington Post

Setting Your Marketing Strategy
As is the case with any advertising campaign, launching a DOOH campaign takes some planning and strategy. In this section, we'll break down the steps involved in creating and launching a successful DOOH ad campaign.

1. Define your main goal
Ideally, you should have one objective per ad campaign. This will help keep you focused and make it easier to keep track of KPI's and your ROI.

Although DOOH is mainly an impression based medium (for now), it can and should be used to supplement other digital marketing activities. Use it to grow your online and social media channels, drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness or promote an online or in-store offer.

Defining your main goal is the most important factor in determining the success of your campaign and will keep your reporting focused and organized.

With one main goal you'll only have to deal with one key metric - the cost per action (CPA).

For example, if you launch a campaign in an effort to get people to claim on offer, your key metric would be the cost per coupon claimed.

You can create the coupons inside your e-commerce platform and track how many coupons were claimed since the start of your campaign.

2. Define your ideal audience
While DOOH might seem like a medium where you can target everyone, you should still take some time to figure who your ideal audience is.

As a starting point, it's absolutely essential to understand who you're targeting, what their pain points are, what problems they're trying to solve, how your product or service will solve them, and why they should choose you.

Your content will then determine who reacts and responds to your ads and who doesn't. What you choose to broadcast on the screen will determine who's interested.

Taking the time to research your potential audience will help you understand the type of content you should be focusing on.

Here are some ways to research and find your perfect audience.

Facebook Audience Insights
Let's face it, Facebook knows almost everything about everyone. It knows the pages we like and interact with, the type of content we enjoy most, how much time we spend on the app, and the people we're interested in the most.

It's a goldmine of information that you can use to learn more about your target audience.

The quickest and best way to tap into Facebook's knowledge base is to use the Facebook Audience Insights tool.

You can access the Facebook Audience Insights by logging into your Facebook advertising account, clicking on the “Ads Manager” menu at the top left hand side, then clicking on “Audience Insights.”

Here's how you can use the Facebook Insights tool to learn about your target audience.

1. Go to the Audience Insights tool in your Facebook ads manager

2. Choose an audience to start

You'll get a popup asking if you want to research everyone on Facebook or just the people who like your business page. If you have a lot of followers on your Facebook page, then choosing "people connected to your page" is a great option. If not, then choose "everyone on Facebook."

3. Choose the audience demographics you want to learn more about

The audience insights dashboard is split into two sections. In the left column, you can select the characteristics of the audience you want to target. The right column then displays everything Facebook knows about that audience.

You can build your audience based on location, gender, age, interests and more. Facebook will then display useful information like the pages they already like, devices they use, relationship status, education level and tons of other useful information you can use to build your marketing campaigns.

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. Some marketers think they need complex analytics and funnels in place to get valuable information out of Google, but that's simply not the case.

The humble Google search box could be all you need to learn about your perfect audience.

Start by brainstorming questions and search terms your audience might be searching for. Think about the questions they might have, problems they're trying to solve and keywords they might type in the Google search box.

For example, say you own a restaurant specializing in keto diet meals and want to understand your target audience a little better. You could start by typing "keto diet" in the Google search box.

The phrase "keto diet research" appears as one of the suggestions. This shows that people interested in the keto lifestyle want to know if it really is good for their health. Maybe they're unsure and need scientific evidence that the keto diet will help them reach their goals and that it's not harmful to their health and well-being.

The next step is to go through the actual search results and gather ideas about content or learn more about your competitors.

The top result for "keto diet research" is an article from Harvard Medical School, a credible institution that many people are likely to trust.

Including a quote or referencing this article as part of your DOOH ad campaign could be a great way to entice people to come to your restaurant. It could also spark debate on your social media pages about the pros and cons of the keto lifestyle, creating brand awareness and engagement.

Including a quote or referencing this article as part of your DOOH ad campaign could be a great way to entice people to come to your restaurant. It could also spark debate on your social media pages about the pros and cons of the keto lifestyle, creating brand awareness and engagement with your brand.

3. Create Customer Personas
Customer personas are snapshots of your target audience. It's possible to have more than one target audience if you have multiple products or services that cater to different people.

Based on the information you gathered from Facebook and Google, start creating customer personas to help you organize your marketing efforts and hone your content.

Click here to download our free customer persona template (PDF)
4. Create Amazing Content
Now that you've done your research and understand who you want to target, it's time to create some great content.

Branded Video
It's no secret that video is the best performing form of content and probably will be for a very long time. Video is flexible and powerful and is by far the best way to convey your message.

The problem is videos can be expensive to plan and produce. Unlike social media where videos recorded on smartphones can sometimes outperform professionally produced videos, DOOH requires the good stuff.

Digital signs and billboards are out in public for everyone to see and you definitely want to present your brand in the best possible light. Branded videos are the way to go when it comes to DOOH advertising.

Although not as powerful as videos, Images can still be effective in getting your message across to the right people.

A well designed and optimized image can do wonders to ensure the success of your ad campaign. Here are some tips to maximize the effectiveness of your images.

Keep the text to a minimum. Say what you need to say and keep it short and to the point. Attention spans are not what they used to be and people don't have the time or energy to read long winded ads.
Have a clear call to action. Tell people what you want them to do when they see your image. Ask them to visit your store, claim a coupon or follow your social media pages. Whatever your goal is, make sure you let your audience know what you need them to do.
Be bold with colors and branding. Your images need to stand out if you hope to grab the attentions of people walking down the street or in a busy mall. Use bright colors, include your brand colors and logo, and try to implement design trends that resonate well with your target audience. Paletton is a great tool that lets you mix and match colors and find the perfect combination.
Launch Your DOOH Campaign
Whether you choose to go with images or videos for your DOOH ad campaigns, it's important to constantly test and optimize your content based on research, analytics and data.

Follow these steps to launch your DOOH campaign on the AdStash platform.

1. Choose where you want to advertise

When it comes to choosing where you want to advertise, there are a number of options to choose from. You can choose based on cost per ad play, city, screen location, and screen type.

2. Set your budget and advertising schedule

Set your daily and maximum budget and the dates you would like your ads to appear on. You can pick a date range and decide whether you want your ads to be shown everyday, on the weekends, or just on weekdays.

3. Add your content

You can upload your own designs or create them from scratch using our online ad creation tool. The ideal dimensions for uploading images and videos are 1280 px (wide) by 720 px (tall).

Now you're ready to launch your DOOH campaign.

Combined with other digital marketing activities such as social media advertising, SEO and content marketing, it can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

At AdStash, we created a platform that makes it easy to create and launch DOOH ad campaigns using simple, self-serve tools. You can launch your first campaign with no minimum ad spend and for as little as $0.01 per ad play and start telling your story.

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